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Leadership Union County

Mission: To identify and invest in the future leaders of Union County.

ULEAD, technically named ‘Dumas-Edmonds Leadership Union County,’ is a 9-month program with a focus on identifying and developing the future & current leaders of our community. Through a series of tours, sessions and activities, class members build close relationships as they learn about issues that affect our local community, including economic development, local and state government, education, healthcare, and quality of life. With each full day session, interactive simulations and activities are aimed at showing class members that they can make a difference.

Class 14 will take place from March to November 2025. A big THANK YOU our TITLE sponsors – LANXESS & MURPHY USA! Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor Rosson Phillips Group!
Chairmen for Class 14 are Abby Jones with LANXESS & Quan Moore with Entergy!

If you have any questions regarding this leadership development program,
please contact the Chamber at (870) 863-6113 ext. 3 or email


Related PageDescription
Leadership Union County Class 13ULEAD Class 13 chose to give back to two local nonprofits for their class project: The Boys & Girls Club of Union County and Turning Point of South Arkansas. The class raised funds to put together 200 ULEAD Cares Kits to give to the children at the Boys & Girls Club and donated over 1,600 items of supplies to Turning Point. In total, the class raised over $2,600 dollars and donated over 4,500 items to the nonprofits for the project.
Leadership Union County Class 12ULEAD Class 12 featured a Union County Animal Protection Society (UCAPS) animal each day in October, which they called PET-O-BER, and held a food/supply drive for the nonprofit. They raised food, supplies, funds, and awareness for UCAPS during their class project.
Leadership Union
County Class 11
Class 11 collected over 700 items for a food drive they organized to benefit the Salvation Army of El Dorado.
Leadership Union
County Class 10
This class worked closely with Keep El Dorado Beautiful to help bring educational resources into the schools. They continue to work with Keep El Dorado Beautiful to help implement Keep Arkansas Beautiful resources with the El Dorado School District.
Leadership Union County Class 9This class was the first group to adopt a road from Keep El Dorado Beautiful. The class currently meets once a month to clean a portion of Timberlane Drive. They also brought awareness to adopting a road, and since then many other people and organizations have adopted streets in our community.
Leadership Union County Class 8This class came together to help with local nonprofits in Union County, including helping with working hours and volunteering with the organizations.
Leadership Union County Class 7This class came together to raise money to add a new playground at a local nonprofit who helps and provides crisis intervention services to victims of domestic abuse. Children at the facility will now have somewhere fun to play.
Leadership Union County Class 6The class project for ULead Class 6 was implementing a national program locally to tip servers $100 each when the class saw a server going above and beyond.
Leadership Union County Class 5The 2015 class each brought a project idea to their fellow classmates, and collectively chose the class project they all agreed upon.
Leadership Union County Class 4This year the Union County Leadership Class took on the task of creating the T.I.P. Take It Personally program.Class IV identified what they felt the county could improve on, and we developed a plan to tackle it head on. This program can and should change the culture of customer service for years to come.
Leadership Union County Class 3The class project for 2014 is to identify local career opportunities and develop an internship program for our communities’ high school students.
Leadership Union County Class 2
The class project for 2013 was to begin implementing a strategic plan on how to better attract and retain young professionals in Union County.
Leadership Union County Class 1The class project for 2012 was to develop a strategic plan on how Union County can better attract and retain young professionals.

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