Why I Love Moby Dick and Why You Should Too: The Relevance of America’s Greatest Novel. Join Dr. James Yates for a presentation focusing on Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and its artistry, significance, and continuing relevance as a central work in America’s literary canon. Average readers are reluctant at best and fearful at worst to tread into the depths of Melville’s greatest work but this defining American novel beckons reads to its rich mysteries and profundity. Moby Dick is a necessary American novel which still needs to be read and explored. It still speaks to us and our country now more than ever in its themes, characters, symbolism, and spiritual resonance. The SouthArk Spotlight series is a brand-new program created by the SouthArk Library. Imagine a TED-talk or lecture series, but instead of guest speakers, SouthArk’s own faculty and staff provide a compelling glimpse into their own research, work, and disciplines. These lectures are free and open to the public, and highlight the high-caliber work being done by SouthArk faculty and staff.