Posted on August 20, 2019
Event to feature vendors, exhibits, live music, children's activities
Special to the News-Times
The SouthArk Outdoor Expo, returning for a 21st year with sponsors Cross Oil-Martin Operating Partnership and Sewell Oil, will be held on Sept. 7.
The day-long event, presented by the South Arkansas Community College Foundation, will include a full day of exhibits, live music, children’s activities and outdoor-themed vendors.
The event will be held in and around the El Dorado Conference Center on the West Campus of SouthArk. There is no entry fee, but donations of canned or packaged food are encouraged. These donations will be given to an area food bank.
“Our board of directors decided years ago to waive an entry fee and to provide all activities at no cost,” SouthArk Foundation director Cynthia Reyna said. “We know that this allows many more families and their children to enjoy a healthy and fun family-oriented day.”
The SouthArk Outdoor Expo benefits SouthArk students by raising money for scholarships and special initiatives of the college through sponsorships and booth and contest fees.
The day will begin with the Nexans Amercable-Clean Harbors Maj. Ronald Wayne Culver Hero 5K Run-Walk at 7:30 a.m. Other contests are the Withrow Family Rib Cookoff, an outdoor photography contest and a dog show. Contest winners will be awarded cash prizes, including more than $5,000 for the cookoff.
Children’s activities include archery, air rifle target shooting, face painting and a magic show. Vendors will sell outdoor wares such as duck calls, sportswear, riding lawn mowers and fishing equipment. There also will be a automobile exhibit.
Among other eating options, food trucks will sell barbecue, fried fish, chicken wings, turkey legs, hamburgers, hot dogs, snow cones, kettle corn and vegan dishes.
Live music will be performed on an outdoor stage throughout the day, with appearances by LB Crew, the Cummins Prison Band and Aces Wild.
Reyna thanked the generosity of the event’s title sponsors.
“We know that these companies have a passion for and understand the importance of supporting education in our community,” she said.
For more information about the event, see .