Posted on April 7, 2017
Published by El Dorado News Times
EL DORADO — The South Arkansas Arts Center is gearing up for its summer production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, which will open on July 7. Auditions for the show will be held at 6 p.m. today and at 10 a.m. on Saturday at the arts center, 110 E. Fifth St.
“This show promises to be a fantastic spectacle – a show unlike any other that has been produced at SAAC in its costuming, sets, props and characters,” director, Monroe Moore, said. He wants to get everyone cast as soon as possible so that the costumers can begin the laborious task of getting everyone’s costumes completed in time. There are 250 costumes in this show and that means with a cast of 50-60, each person in the ensemble will change costumes several times. This is the reason auditions are being held so far in advance of the production opening.
With 250 costumes and a myriad of props to be built, SAAC employees are asking the community for help.
Beth Burns, executive director, said she is thrilled about this upcoming project and hopes to get the community involved. “In this particular show, there is such a variety of props, not to mention costumes, from the magic mirror to Chip’s cart, it is going to take a lot of people to help us fully illustrate the story on stage. And we need to start now! If you can weld, build, sew or paint, there is something here that you can do to help! I want every single person reading this article to think to themselves… ‘what do I have that SAAC could use or what can I do to help?’ Do you have a warehouse where we could store things or paint backdrops? We need beautiful fabrics and trims of all kinds, people with glue guns and Bedazzlers. Maybe you’d like to take on the job of building the knives and spoons or the salt and pepper shakers? We need people of all levels of talent to work on these important parts of the production.”
Burns said, “El Dorado is an amazing place. Anytime we need something, it always seems that someone in El Dorado has it and is willing to share with us. Someone’s got it – and we need it! I’m pretty sure this is going to be the biggest, baddest thing we’ve ever done!