Posted on December 12, 2016
Published by El Dorado News Times
EL DORADO — Antigua’s Grill was the overall winner of the 2016 Christmas parade, according to officials with the El Dorado Chamber of Commerce. A $200 cash prize was awarded to Antigua’s as the overall winner. Cash prizes were awarded to the first ($100), second ($75) and third ($25) place winners in several categories.
Winners in the large float division included: Long’s Roofing and Sheet Metal, first place; The Home Depot, second place and Postmaster, third place.
In the small float division, winners were Gethsemane Baptist Church, first place; Westrock Orthodontics, second place and Cub Scouts Pack 18, third place.
Winners in the car/truck division were Johnathan Rodriguez, first place; Cole’s Jewelers, second place and Murphy Pitard Jewelers, third place.
In the walking division, winners were Southern Belle’s, first place; Families and Children Together, Inc., second place and Junior Elk Herd No. 473, third place.
Winners in the band division were Hermitage Drumline, first place; Smackover-Norphlet School band, second place and Junction City High School Band, third place.
In the motorcycles group, winners were The Davis Family Riders, first place and Sims Mortuary, second place. In the customized category, Parker East won first place.
In the horses category, members of the Maverick Cowboy Church won best decorated wagon and best decorated riding group. Cedric R. Ewing won best decorated horse.