Posted on February 6, 2020
Economic Outlook Luncheon: Above, Randy Zook gives a presentation at the El Dorado-Union County
Chamber of Commerce's September 2019 Economic Outlook Luncheon.
The El Dorado-Union County Chamber of Commerce will host its first Economic Outlook Luncheon of 2020 on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Title Sponsor for this event is Canfor Southern Pine. Supporting Sponsors are: LANXESS and El Dorado & Wesson Railway Company.
Held twice a year, the Economic Outlook Luncheon is an event where business owners and community leaders come together to discuss the economic outlook in Union County.
The luncheon, which will take place at 11:30 a.m. at the El Dorado Conference Center, will have Dr. Bentley Wallace, President of South Arkansas Community College as its keynote speaker.
Wallace said he is excited for the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at this event, stating that he will discuss the impact the college has on the community, as well as the impact the community has on the college.
Wallace’s first official day as President of SouthArk was Feb. 3. He comes to El Dorado after serving as Dean of the School of Technical and Professional Studies at the University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College in North Little Rock. He succeeds Dr. Barbara Jones, who held the president position at SouthArk since 2009.
Wallace has previously been very active in community-college leadership and was recently elected to a second term as President of the Board of Arkansas Community Colleges. He has also held positions on numerous volunteer boards and committees at the local and state levels.
“We are excited to get the opportunity to hear from SouthArk’s new President, Dr. Bentley Wallace,” said Bill Luther, President & CEO of the El Dorado-Union County Chamber of Commerce. “We are looking forward to hearing his vision for the future of SouthArk and the ways the college and the community are working together.”
An RSVP is required for this event, which can be made by calling the El Dorado-Union County Chamber of Commerce at 870-863-6113 or emailing The Chamber is located at 111 W. Main Street in El Dorado.
Tickets for chamber members are $20, and $25 for non members.