Posted on November 6, 2017
Members of the El Dorado School Board board will consider a one-time, non-recurring payment to staff and will hear an end-of-year financial report from Michael Cobb, certified public accountant, when members of the board meet at 6 p.m. today in the board room of the Administration Office, 200 W. Oak St. The public is invited to attend.
Reggie Thomas, an employee of Murphy USA who donated and raised $25,500 for a new playground at Retta Brown Elementary and Tonya Sims, an eighth grade math teacher at Barton Junior High, will be recognized during the meeting and El Dorado Mayor Frank Hash is expected to read an American Education Week proclamation.
Alva Reibe, principal of El Dorado High School, will present a school report and Rhonda Simmons will report on “The Lemonade War.” Board members will consider a land lease with the Lawson Volunteer Fire Department and petitions for transfer requests.
Kate Vernon, student of the month from El Dorado High School and Taylon Steele, teacher of the month from EHS, will be honored during the meeting. Evan Chandler, EHS Student Council president, will update board members on the high school council.