Posted on March 24, 2014
Originally published in the El Dorado News-Times on March 25, 2014.
The first phase of an emergency department renovation project has been completed at Medical Center of South Arkansas.
The project is part of MCSA?s long-term plan to keep pace with community needs and assure that patients who visit the MCSA emergency department continue receiving timely, personalized care, according to Kyle Swift, chief executive officer of MCSA.
He said that, in 2013, more than 19,000 emergency department patients were treated, and that number is expected to increase in the future.
"This renovation supports our ability to care for our community?s growing emergency medical needs. We have added another trauma room, and the realigned entry and clinical areas will support our ?30 Minute Pledge,? while offering patients greater comfort and privacy,? Swift said.
The $3 million renovation is being completed in two phases to ensure the MCSA emergency room remains open and fully functional throughout construction.
MCSA emergency department Director Sonya Justice, RN, added, "We are proud of our progression, Patients and visitors arriving at our hospital will see a fresh, welcoming space in our registration desk, triage rooms and waiting area. Our employees and physicians are enjoying the updates in our patient care areas, including the nurses? station and ambulance bay.?
"The final phase of the project will be completed this summer,? Swift said. "Each day shows progress as a piece of the puzzle is completed. We are excited to be investing in our hospital to better support our community.?"