South Arkansas Fights AIDS is holding their quarterly RADA Fundraiser. RADA has a large range of kitchen items, ranging from multiple knives to colanders, to grilling utensils. They have a large assortment of delicious soups, dips, cheeseballs, seasonings, deserts, and books. You can place an order in person at: 526 W. Faulkner El Dorado, AR […]
Senior Circle, a Medical Center of South Arkansas program, is now accepting new members. Senior Circle is a program for individuals age 50 or better who are interested in pursuing an active lifestyle, learning about health and wellness and meeting others. Events and activities are designed to help you stay healthy, vibrant and active. We […]
South Arkansas Fights AIDS is holding their quarterly RADA Fundraiser. RADA has a large range of kitchen items, ranging from multiple knives to colanders, to grilling utensils. They have a large assortment of delicious soups, dips, cheeseballs, seasonings, deserts, and books. You can place an order in person at: 526 W. Faulkner El Dorado, AR […]
South Ar. Historical Preservation Society Presents A Burns Night Themed Keeping History Alive Banquet A celebration of local history with a 3 course Scottish fare dinner, Haggis Parade, & Scotch Flight. Silent Auction from 6pm - 8pm Programming will recognize and reward a few local honorary individuals that have had a significant impact in the […]