Posted on February 26, 2012
Originally published by The El Dorado News-Times on February 27, 2012. To learn more about this event, download an entry/sponsorship form or get information about the schedule of events, including the reception hosted by the Chamber, click here.
By Heather Hawley
At 6:30 p.m. on March 15, teams made up of staff from local companies will gather at the South Arkansas Arts Center to participate in a battle of wits at "retro trivia? by attempting to answer question from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
Bob Watson, superintendent of the El Dorado School District, said the Trivia Challenge was created to benefit training and programs associated with Economics Arkansas, a program that helps teach students about "real-life? economics.
"It is sponsored by the Arkansas Economics Council and it is to raise money that the council uses to train teachers to alleviate economic illiteracy,? he said.
"They train teachers and they provide materials for the teachers to go in the class and use with the kids.?
This will be the 14th anniversary of the challenge, he said, and about 10 teams are expected to compete this year.
"Every year they do this and we usually have anywhere from seven to 10 local companies that will come together and pay a fee to enter,? he said.
"We invite the public and we do a Trivia Challenge and declare a winner.?
Also, according to Sue Owens, executive director of Economics Arkansas, participants in the challenge have the opportunity to collect prizes for their efforts.
"[The prizes] are actually art work from one of our programs,? she said."The economics calendar competition is where kids that are in kindergarten through eighth grade integrate economics and art together.
"The kids are given an economic concept or term and then they draw a picture to demonstrate their knowledge of that,? Owens said.
So, she said, different drawings will be placed on three plaques and given as awards for the winners.
In fact, Owens said, those who follow the "retro? theme of the challenge could also find themselves with an extra prize, $100 cash.
And finally, she said, an award will be given in honor of Elizabeth Mason, a "tremendous? educator from El Dorado who died last year.
"We have three trivia challenges state-wide and we always give a spirit award to the team that brings the most spirited fans with them,? Owens said.
"And the judges will decide who will take home the prize.?
The Trivia Challenge, Owens added, is by invitation only.
"We are trying to get businesses to host a team,? she said. "Then, if they paid the team entry fee, they can bring 20 additional [fans].? " "SAAC Viewfinder Photography Competition – Tuesday, February 28, 2012"