Posted on March 1, 2018
By Tia Lyons
Staff Writer
Meet Me at the Court and The Bailey Family are gearing up for a busy spring with events scheduled for every weekend this month in several areas around the city. Veronica Bailey, founder and director of Meet Me at the Court, said all events are free and the public is invited to attend. From 2 until 5 p.m. Saturday, Meet Me at the Court will conduct its youth mission project and host a voter registration drive at the “Burning Barrel of Love” in the area of Hawthorne and Norsworthy. MMC youth will be distributing plate lunches as part of an ongoing community service project that was launched in January. “We’ve adopted that area and the last one we did over there was massively received. It was overflowing,” Bailey said. “We just had a grand time and it’s open top everyone.” She urged citizens who are not registered to vote to join MMC on Saturday. The candidate filing period is under way for the 2018 mid-term elections. Election day is May 22. Early voting begins on May 7. “I’m sending out a plea that you come because it’s so important to each individual to get out and vote and to have it as a part of your life,” Bailey said. Similar events are planned from 2 to 5 p.m. for March 10 in the Rock Island neighborhood and March 17 at Haygood-Neal Garden Apartments. Lunch will be served. Bailey said several MMC youth members live in Rock Island and Haygood-Neal and they requested that MMC hold voter registration drives so that eligible family members and friends can register to vote. MMC will hold its annual community cleanup from 8 a.m. until noon on March 24. A hot breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. “That’s spring break for them. Meet Me at the Court always spends its spring break doing a cleanup,” Bailey said. “We appreciate them coming out this year, being so dutiful and so helpful.” The group will target West Block, West Cedar, Summit, West Wesson and South Newton. Bailey said volunteers are welcome, noting that the Union County 4-H Youth Development Program has asked to participate. She said volunteers may bring supplies, such as gloves and trash bags. Supplies will also be available on site. The cleanup is held each year in memory of Bailey’s late sister, Sharion Bailey Whitlock. Meet Me at the Court and The Bailey Family will commemorate Whitlock’s life on March 31 with the fifth annual Sharion Bailey Whitlock Proclamation and Birthday Weekend Celebration. Bailey said details about the event are forthcoming. For more information about any Meet Me at the Court events, call Bailey at 870-310-0391, Theodore Bailey at 870-814-6396, James Curley at 870-310-0745 or El Dorado City Council member Willie McGhee at 870-314-1441.
Tia Lyons may be contacted at 870-862-6611 or tlyons@ .