Posted on May 1, 2013
The South Arkansas Arts Center hosts their spring student showcases on May 2 and 3, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The showcases are free and open to the public.
Everything begins in the SAAC galleries with a Spring Art Class Exhibition, on display from April 30-May 3. Art students of Gay Bechtelheimer, Mike Means, and Jorge and Maria Villegas fill the Merkle, Price and Lobby galleries with new works.
The performing arts showcase will be held on May 2, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The evening includes performances by vocal and piano students of Karen Watkins, Darrin Riley?s Drama One students? performance of the original play "A Spring Day for Fairies and Elves,? by Gina Shelton, and a performance of "Sleeping Beauty? by Melissa Spears? and Stephanie Lowery?s ballet students.
On Friday, May 3, at 6:00 p.m., an art reception will be hosted in the galleries for visual art students whose work is currently on display.
For more information about student showcases or summer class offerings, contact the SAAC office at 862-5474 or visit"